Polski Chór Kameralny
Jan Łukaszewski – dyrygent
Soloists: Róże: Wiesława Łukaszewska, Jerzy Stelmański | O mój Rozmarynie: Andrzej Macierzyński, Lech Wittschenbach | Kto Cię wołał Legionisto: Sebastian Mandziej
Pieśni Legionowe (2013)
1 Wojenko Wojenko
2 Hej Strzelcy
3 Marsz Pierwszej Brygady
4 Kto Cię wołał Legionisto
5 O mój rozmarynie
6 Piosnka Batalionu Podhalańskiego
7 Strzelcy
8 Kadrówka
9 Komendant
10 Warczą karabiny
11 Piechota
12 Róże
13 Leguny
Recorded at the Polish Radio Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio in Warsaw on 18-19 November 2013 for the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek.
Songs of the Polish Legions in World War I in a contemporary arrangement by Ireneusz Łukaszewski
From the wealth of soldierly songwriting we have selected but a handful of songs that were written or adapted anew by the Polish Legions in 1914-1918. And since these song have histories of their own, their lyrics, and often their melodies as well, have come down time and again in dozens of versions. The exception is Marsz Pierwszej Brygady (The March of the First Brigade) which grew to become a hymn. Most of the songs do not have a sing canonical set of stanzas. Generation after generation added their own stories to them and passed down a collective memory of bygone events watching over the church of national mementoes. They have lives of their own and therein lies their beauty.
Grzegorz Nowik – introduction